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«  August 2009  »
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    The world according to young writers


    Main » 2009 » August » 7 » Be inspired!!
    Be inspired!!
    3:40 PM
    History gives us inspiration. If it were not for Mozart, King, X, B. Anthony, S. Truth, the Simmons Ron and Gene would there be inspiration? God's intention is to move people to motivate others to take action. The beauty in looking up to someone is that you have the ability and opportunity to apply such lessons to different aspects of your life. I say share your knowledge with those who come after you. We are all pupils of life lessons and it's when you stop listening and turn deaf ear - you stop learning. Aspiration is dead and words are intended to inspire one to take action. Let's hope and pray that there are many other positive people like Diddy who have the maturity to share the positive sides of life’s battles. The children are our future whether they chose to be an artist, entertainer, doctor, and lawyer or labor worker - it's okay as long as they are doing what they want to do. Success in my opinion is not measured in dollars and cents nor is it measure by name titles and abbreviations. Success is what you make it. If you are happily married and taking care of your family and that's what you truly want to do then that makes you as successful as a multi-platinum selling artist or a millionaire attorney. I am a community organizer fighting for people and advocating for the betterment of mankind period.... I do not see race or fortune when I wake every morning. My mission is to make a difference in lives of my fellow country, friends and people as a whole. I say to all, please find your passion in life. Do you and you will be successful. It’s okay to take from individuals; however, you must find away to incorporate knowledge acquired into your life without losing your identity.
    Stay Positive
    AC aka Cami-Dean
    Category: Political Blogs | Views: 871 | Added by: rocta | Tags: Diddy, History | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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