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    The world according to young writers

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    A stop shop for new generation fashion!
    Culture and Art | Transitions: 768 | Added by: Boyd Lawrence Zimba | Date: 2009-08-05

    Unexperienced | Transitions: 750 | Added by: Boyd Lawrence Zimba | Date: 2009-08-01

    At African Pride we specialise only in Southern and East Africa, and our passion and expertise for this stunning region is unmatched. Allow us to show you a holiday experience beyond compare.
    Goods and Services | Transitions: 619 | Added by: Boyd Lawrence Zimba | Date: 2009-07-26

    Society and Politics | Transitions: 807 | Added by: boyd lawrence zimba | Date: 2009-07-17

    Zambian news and the world
    News and Mass Media | Transitions: 800 | Added by: boyd lawrence zimba | Date: 2009-07-17

    Global Grind is the hotspot linking you to web content that puts you up on things you need to know. There's a lot of information out there, but getting to the important content is probably taking up more time then you have to spend. That's where we come in. Global Grind brings together people like you. People who know what interests you, topics that stir up controversy and content that might make you laugh (or cry). Alongside our staff, the GG community brings the most relevant and intriguing stories; those that are essential to the survival of our community. Yes, it's that serious.
    Entertainment | Transitions: 651 | Added by: boyd lawrence zimba | Date: 2009-07-17

    Welcome To The Zambian

    Thank you for stopping by. We've just released a completely new update to our site and over the next few weeks, you'll see this site constantly updated and revamped as we bring back new features and improve old ones that you've always loved. However, we need your help as well to keep bringing the best of Zambia online.

    Information | Transitions: 628 | Added by: boyd lawrence zimba | Date: 2009-07-17

    LT is an electronic news platform that allows all types of users to have an open discussion on the day to day current issues in Zambia. The idea that is powering Lusakatimes today was birthed in 1998 as a casual conversation between friends. In 1999, the idea was made manifest with the launch of Lusaka Information Dispatch. The project was funded by the Dutch IICD who provided seed capital for the equipment and operational costs for a limited duration.

    However, the operational model for Information Dispatch proved too difficult to sustain at the time. In 2002 Information Dispatch suspended its operation after key members quit the group.

    In January 2007, the site was re-launched under the new URL address called and a new operational model.

    Today Lusakatimes is run by a number of people distributed around the world, working in an open source type of structure, purely driven by hobby and ambition to provide Zambians around the world with current news content based on facts and not speculation. Our day to day news content comes from known Zambian sources like Zambia Daily-Mail, Times of Zambia, ZNBC and ZANIS. These are the giants whose shoulders we stand on.

    Our added value to the commodity called news is the speed with which we deliver it to our readers and the community ,feeling and experience we have created around the news content on our website.

    Additionally, Lusakatimes also provides a platform for any Zambian who want their article published, provided they take full ownership and responsibility of the content.

    The ability of our users to be able to read news and anonymously provide immediate feedback is something we have always highly valued from the Information Dispatch days. This is something we are committed to honour as we move forward.

    Lastly, Lusakatimes has no intention whatsoever of charging people to access the content on our site. Our content is open source and free. All our revenue is from advertising and the bulk of it goes towards ensuring that we provide a web infrastructure that is fast, reliable, 99% available throughout the year and update up to date with the current technological trends.

    News and Mass Media | Transitions: 875 | Added by: boyd lawrence zimba | Date: 2009-07-17

    The work of TransAfrica Forum is summarized by the words from a section of the declaration of the 5th Pan-African Congress (1945), which reads in part:

    “We believe the success of Afro-Americans is bound up with the emancipation of all African peoples and also other dependent peoples and laboring classes everywhere.”

    TransAfrica Forum is the oldest and largest African American human rights and social justice advocacy organization promoting diversity and equity in the foreign policy arena and justice for the African World.

    TransAfrica Forum envisions a world where Africans and people of African descent are self-reliant, socially and economically prosperous, and equal participants in a just international system structured to benefit their self-determined governments and peoples.

    To this end, TransAfrica Forum serves as an educational and organizing center that encourages progressive viewpoints in the United States foreign policy arena and advocates justice for the people of Africa and the African Diaspora. The organization promotes solidarity with the oppressed and supports human rights, gender equity, democracy, and sustainable economic and environmental development practices in Africa and other countries where people of African descent reside.

    Information | Transitions: 608 | Added by: boyd lawrence zimba | Date: 2009-07-17

    burn your boredom
    Humor | Transitions: 1004 | Added by: boyd lawrence zimba | Date: 2009-07-10