Ambitions and Horizones
Different people have different levels of Ambition.Ask one person where they want to end up and the'll tell you they want to be the head of Microsoft.Ask another one and the'll tell you they want to be an Office orderly or a cook.Now before you frown at my rather sharp comparison,I want you to get acquainted with the fact that a person can only be ambitious to the limits the've been exposed to.A person's idea of success is usually linked to someone they look up to.If the most succesful person you know owns a Toyota,it's only natural that you'll tie the words " Toyota" and "Success" together.That is as far as you've seen,as far as you've been exposed to! I've read through stories of many people who you'd normally call big,and i usually hear it in many lyrics of famous musicians,"who knew I'd come this far?" Ask Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey,R.Kelly and many others if they ever thought they could get as big as they are today? Most of them will say "No!".All the same they made it to where they are today and the fact that they never thought they would reach thier current state is of no significance right now,they are there and that's it! Have you ever looked at the Horizone?it's the furthest you can see at a given moment!The closer you move towards it,though you do not realise it,the further it moves from you,or in other terms "expands" as they love to say "expand your horizons...blah blah blah!" I have no clue what your horizone is and if I wasn't so secretive,I'd probably tell you mine!Some of us see ourselves 20 or so years from now as presidents,others as heads of the board,nurses,bussinessmen,grocery store owners,housewives and so on.And who said it's wrong to see yourself as a president,housewife or whatever?That is your Horizone,it's as far as you see.Maybe others have one bigger or smaller than yours but it's your horizone,your aim,your purpose and it's yours! be proud of it and if someone doesn't like it then they can break a leg! Now if you didn't know,here it is,I'll break it down for you:it is impossible to reach the horizone! As a matter of fact it impossible for it to seem any closer to you than it is! If this doesn't seem clear to you,just wait for the sunset from a clear spot,as the sun starts setting run towards it's direction and see if you'll get any closer to won't! However you will have taken some steps foward and you will not be in the position you were before!And there it is my dear friend:with each step you take to your current dream,you expand your possibilities! Dreams remain dreams.the only difference in reaching them is they lead to more dreams!Gates released windows 95 - good.95 lead to 96 then we have windows 7 and who says it's the end of it? 50 cent went from music to acting to clothes,drinks and who says it's the end of it? I don't know how big your horizone is but i can tell you how to expand it;work towards your current goal,don't despise it or overate it!fry the fish you have on your pan now instead of sitting and watching it burn because of wishing you had bigger ones.Work with what you have now to achieve your current goals instead of setting new goals withuot achieving lesser ones.There's a verse in the bible that says wisdom stands out calling where everybody can see her and when I think of it,it's really true:nature shows us the simplest but most vital bits of how to go about life:a child must crawl before they walk. Even the most succesful person on earth will not tell you:"Ok man,I've finished,I've done it all!I have no more goals!"He is constantly looking at his horizone,moving towards it in a desparate attempt to reach it but he cant even get closer to it by even the smallest unit of length measurement known to man.However with each step he moves foward sometimes not even realising that he has reached even further than he had wanted or anticipated............The horizone can not be reached or gotten closer to but with each step you take towards it,it expands.Want to expand your horizone?move toward it and you'll hit points in your life you never even thought you would.
by Chalomba Chitanika.