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    The world according to young writers


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    Want a Mentor? Learn about Dambisa Moyo
    Dambisa Moyo was born and raised in Zambia, Southern Africa. She completed a PhD in Economics at Oxford University and holds a Masters from Harvard University. She completed a Bachelors degree in Chemistry and MBA in Finance at the American University in Washington D.C..

    She worked at Goldman Sachs for 8 years in the debt capital markets, hedge fund coverage and in global macroeconomics teams. Previously she worked at the World Bank in Washington D.C.. Dambisa is a member of the Boards of Lundin Petroleum and SAB Miller.

    Dambisa is a Patron for Absolute Return for Kids (ARK), a hedge fund supported children’s charity. She serves on the Boards of the Lundin for Africa Foundation and Room to Read, an educational charity.
    photograph of the author Dambisa Moyo

    Dambisa argues for more innovative ways for Africa to finance development including trade with China, accessing the capital markets, and microfinance.

    Dambisa has also been offered a contract for another book, entitled How the West Was Lost, scheduled for publication with Penguin and Farrar, Straus & Giroux in 2010. This book examines the policy errors made in the US and other Western economies which culminated in the 2008 financial crisis. And discusses why financial and economic experts missed the signs of the credit crunch. It also explores the policy decisions that have placed the emerging world- China, Russia and the Middle East, in pole position to become the dominant economic players in the 21st century.

    Category: Articles | Added by: rocta (2009-07-16) | Author: boyd lawrence zimba
    Views: 1027 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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